PARAGEL LONG LIFE is a high-concentration antifreeze of superior quality for the preparation of antifreeze and anti-corrosive solutions specific for closed circuits which can be used in all climates and all seasons. It is a long-lasting fluid which maintains its characteristics unaltered both in storage and in use. It can be left in use for long periods without the necessity of substitution. Its outstanding alkaline reserve prevents all corrosive tendencies and the formation of rust. Its formula contains special additives to avoid the formation of lime scale deposits which can reduce heat exchange, leading to a reduction in thermal conductivity and consequently in engine performance. PARAGEL LONG-LIFE protects aluminium components in the circuit from possible damage caused by galvanic currents and is also effective in the reduction of the phenomenon of cavitation which manifests in the micro-detonation of vapour bubbles that cause serious problems. PARAGEL LONG-LIFE is a latest-generation formula which belongs to the category of refrigerants recognised by the initials OAT (Organic Acid/Additive Technology): ideal for the protection of modern vehicles which are also destined for commercial transportation. The formula is free of nitrates, amines, phosphates, borates and silicates, and is therefore safer and eco-compatible, capable of offering high-performance even at the high combustion temperatures of modern engines. It contains corrosion inhibitors based on completely neutralised organic acids and azoles. Does not cause swelling of rubber parts.

Formats available

20Kg container