ALL BACTI POLVERE is a mixture appositely formulated to treat the wastewaters in carwash biological purifier and to reactivate the bio-filters. The mixture of bacterial strains and nutrients contained in ALL BACTI POLVERE guarantees a wide action spectrum, quick acclimatization in the system, safety, compatibility with the present biomasses and a maximum efficiency on all kind of biological plant and relative ecosystem. ALL BACTI POLVERE degrades surfactants and hydrocarbons, and has a synergic action on most of pollutant present. Once dosed in the biological oxidation tank, it revitalizes the autochthon bacterial masses, reactivating the depuration process, reducing bad smells. ALL BACTI POLVERE can be used both in aerobic and anaerobic conditions with optimal results, favoring the start of new plants, improving the purifying capacity and efficiency of the plant. It controls bad smells minimizing the consequent effects due to a charge hike and the presence of bio-toxic substances. It is ideal for the treatment of purifier plants, vegetal fible bio-filters, fiber bio-filters, bio-rolls.

Formats available

0.5Kg Jar