The METHOD FM5 of ALLEGRINI has gained the SMART LABEL recognition

• News & Events
• 07 October 2015
Efficiency, saving, reducing stock, environmental substantiality, comfort
The FM5 method of Allegrini has obtained the SMART LABEL, the recognition of the innovation in the hospitality sector promoted by HOST- Fiera Milano in collaboration with
SMART label is the recognition for design and concept given to products, services or projects that distinguish themselves for functionality, technology, ecological, environmental sustainability, ethic or social implication, with whom HOST2015 promotes the innovative ideas in the hospitality sector.
The FM5 method has been selected from a judging commition composed by Francesco Profumo, current president of the energetic society Iren and minister of the public education from 2011 to 2013, Chris McMahon, professor of Engineering Design at the Bristol University, Guido Romeo, Data&Business editor of the Wired Italia, Matteo Ingaramo, director of the Poli.Design and Arturo Dell’Acquan Bellavitis, president of the design faculty in the university of Milan and current director of the Triennale of Milan.
What is FM5 by Allegrini?
FM5- efficiency, saving, reducing stock, environmental substantiality, comfort
The FM5 method by Allegrini is the innovative dilution system for super concentrated detergents, certified by research & development laboratories.
It allows obtaining until 12 different products, characterized by an always-constant concentration and an absence of contaminations that come from bacteria and mineral salts, thanks to the efficient system of water filtration. The entire process has been studied in order to ensure an efficient performance, the maximum easy to use and a remarkable economy.
The most important advantages for the user are summarized in five key points:
Efficiency: given the yield per m2, the wetting power, the higher degree of saponification, the disruptive action of the dirt and the effective disinfection.
Optimizing costs: the dilutions of use make it possible to drastically reduce the cost of management.
Rationalization of stocks: an entire warehouse of detergents and disinfectants always available, condensed in less than m2.
Respect of the environment: effective against dirt and environmentally friendly, the packaging of a detergent is reduced by 95%.
Convenience: the practicality of producing the detergent whenever you want.
The added benefit is that the service offered by Allegrini, with its sales engineers stands by the user while also providing complete training to the staff. The method FM5 provides for the supply