Sustainability Report 2021

• News & Events
• 12 July 2022
Our concrete commitment to sustainable development
Today is a day that will leave its mark on Allegrini's history: the first Sustainability Report 2021 ("Report Zero", browsable here) is officially online, prepared by ESG Sustainability Advisory Srl, the project's technical partner, and Elena David, Allegrini's Sustainability Manager, according to the reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which measures the company's performances according to three impact areas: environmental, social and of governance.
The importance that this renewed green philosophy holds for Allegrini has led to create not only a name but also a picture: the 'World in Progress' logo, which colours in green Allegrini's ESG path narrating, in shades and shape, the progression towards sustainability.
the Report documents Allegrini's concrete commitment to the promotion of sustainable development; a commitment that, even before being a trend for all modern companies, constitutes a fundamental element for the selection by the majority of major clients and is inherent to the corporate identity, historically oriented towards innovation in respect of the environment and people.
The year 2021 was characterised by new challenges that Allegrini was able to grasp and interpret with a view to the creation of economic and social value, and it was in this context that the Sustainability Project was born, with the definition of policies and actions intended to enhance ethics, environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility in the company's processes and organisation.
In this perspective, Allegrini has started to set up a medium to long-term strategy to encourage the transition towards carbon neutrality, responsible resource consumption and sustainability along the entire value chain.
A big step towards our sustainable development that will follow those already accomplished, among which it is worth mentioning the most relevant ones:
- the definition and formalisation of the Sustainability Policy, which set medium-long term targets on ESG pillars;
- the launch of the new product line DPlanet - Do Not Disturb The Planet;
- the confirmation of the promotion of concentrated detergents as a long-standing sustainability action;
- the establishment of the Allegrini Academy, our structure for permanent training and the enhancement of Human Capital.
With the publication of this first Report, the second phase of the activity begins, involving the implementation and measurement of 2022 actions: so much has been done and so much remains to be done.
Watch the video that celebrates this new piece of Allegrini history.