New Teknobrush shampoo multifunction for brushes

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• News & Events

• 05 August 2016

It facilitates self-drying giving an incomparable brilliance

70 years of experience in the carwash world and the constant research of valid solutions able to improve the work of your clients, lead us to offer you more and more performant products, perfecting our offer addressed to carwashes.

TEKNOBRUSH the new multifunction shampoo to dose in the brush arc in the car washing plants able to improve the final phase of drying in portals and tunnels. The special formulation, with a good detergent power, guarantees the excellent performance and maximum smoothness of all types of brushes. Particularly indicated for carlite brushes.

Beyond deterging, keeping brushes clean, it lubricates, and facilitates the action of rubbing of the brushes without greasing them and without leaving any residue in the pipes and nozzles. The innovative formulation prepare the car body in a great way for the next waxing phase. It facilitates and improves visibly the final phase of drying thanks to an excellent hydro repellent effect by contributing to improve the final brilliancy.


Teknobrush is a high quality product:

  • It does not leave residues in the pipes, avoiding the clogging of the nozzles.
  • The pH 4 (slightly acid) facilitates drying because it neutralize the alkalinity part that characterizes the phase right before the washing.
  • Improves the hydro repellent effect, by giving a superior brilliancy to the car body.
  • It guarantees the best performances with any type of water.


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