New fabric softeners 4 LAV POP

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• News & Events

• 27 October 2016

New fragrances with micro-encapsulated technology

The fragrances contained in the softeners designed for the professional sector often do not ensure a lasting effect because their fragrance is destined to fade during the ironing phase, because of the high temperatures.

For this reason, after careful research and numerous tests carried out by our research & development laboratory, we are pleased to offer you a NEW LINE of softeners 4 LAV POP characterized by an innovative technology with MICRO CAPSULES and THREE BRAND NEW FRAGRANCES made amazing in collaboration with the best perfume houses.



The new line 4LAV POP uses the micro-encapsulation to increase the persistence over time of fragrances present nell'ammorbidente.The microcapsule is resistant to high temperatures of the washing machine, the centrifugal stress, drying.


During ironing, the microcapsules due to mechanical failure exerted by iron or manganese, releasing part of their content, further perfuming his head.

During the use of the head treated with 4LAV POP, you get the further breakup and the subsequent content of fragrance emission, keeping the fragrant materials for days, and no more for a day as you are used with normal softeners.

 Further treatment with 4LAV POP will only increase the performance of the perfume, as it is virtually impossible to break all the microcapsules contained in a fabric used normally.