High-quality hotels, catering companies and restaurants must guarantee the cleanliness and hygiene of large areas and for this, they require solutions which guarantee efficiency, and the optimisation of costs and warehouse stock. FM 31 PIASTRE COTTURA is a highly-effective degreasing detergent for the deep cleaning of hotplates, ovens and burners, specially formulated to be used in FM5 automatic dilution systems. A highly-alkaline product, it contains nonionic and amphoteric surfactants with a high degreasing power and a notable dampening effect which renders them particularly suitable for the removal of the most stubborn layers of dirt. Specifically for the removal of carbonised residue and old layers of dried grease anchored to surfaces. Ideal for canteen kitchens, hotels, restaurants, fast-food restaurants, patisseries and rotisseries. The FM5 system necessary for the dilution of this product, guarantees the correct dosage and the maximum efficiency, optimising costs and warehouse stock. The FM5 diluter is fitted with a treatment system for the water supply which drastically reduces the presence of dissolved salts, thus guaranteeing excellent cleaning results.

Formats available

5 kg container in 2 pieces box - single product code