Cleaning, disinfecting and deodorising areas and interiors is necessary for the guaranteeing of correct hygiene levels. FENODIS is a concentrated disinfectant with elevated cleaning power, specifically for the disinfecting of surfaces in public places, and hard surfaces in general in hotels, hostels, communities, nursery schools, barracks, schools, nursing homes, hospitals and reception centres. It is also effective in the presence of severe organic and proteinic contamination in the food sector. Ideal for the cleaning and disinfecting of all kinds of equipment, it is completely compatible with all kinds of materials. FENODIS is appropriately formulated with three diverse kinds of phenolic derivatives which, together, are active against gram+ and gram- bacteria, yeasts, fungi and lipophilic viruses. Recommended for HACCP protocol. Unbeatable for the disinfecting and deodorising of refuse collection areas.

Formats available

Can of 20L