The daily need of clean and order, either for table linen and, for example, for professional clothes, it makes necessary the use of a product such as 7 LAV, a rice starch liquid concentrated in suspension in laundry applications. 7 LAV starches fabrics, facilitates linen washing and ironing, increases the average life of fabrics, protects from difficult stains, gives substance and a satin touch to the revitalized fabrics. The size of the particles, between 2 and 8 micron, allows the easy penetration into fabric fibres. The liquid formulation eliminates dust formation and allows the automatic dosage. During fabrics ironing it happens the gelatinization and the formation of a film (170 °C- 180 °C). The film of 7 LAV is completely washable and biologically degradable. It can be used also on coloured fabrics.

Formats available

Can of 23 Kg